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Chennai – Experience the dust, bowl and dance of the magnificent city

South Indian thalis, fresh piping hot dosas and idlis for breakfast and introduction a unique art, culture and way of life; this is exactly what you can expect looking forward to your trip to Chennai. This article shines a light on the various aspects of Chennai which makes it a brilliant holiday destination.

Chennai, the hot and humid city is today one of the main centre for industries and manufacture of goods and making its way to the top in the field of healthcare and technology. It’s film industry is one of the most celebrated in India and is held with high regard whose top films are at par today with some of the best and highest grossing movies from bollywood, India’s film industry.


Chennai is a fascinating city which is today regarded as a tourist hub. There is so much to see and do around the city that the city is visited by people from all over all year round. From its celebrated music festivals, pongal festival and extensive choice of shopping both in large edifices and in its vague street style shopping, it attracts crowds from as far as the other corners as well as nearby cities and towns. Taxis and buses to nearby towns are always fully reserved one day prior the journey and flight services to other further cities are packed. Chennai to Pune flights are mostly traversed by students while flights to cities like Delhi and Mumbai usually see working professionals on business trips.


Chennai also has a rich age old cultural background. Art and culture go hand in hand in this colourful city and the celebration of art is as colourful as the city itself. From Bharat Natyam to fusion dance, Chennai will help you study the roots of performing arts in its purest and most primitive form. Performing arts are stages all throughout the city and with the right piece of information, you should be able to reach the venue in time and experience and witness something extraordinary first hand. This dance forms passed down from generations are taught with such precision and finesse and the discipline of both the trainer and trainee can be seen in the perfect execution of every step which is guaranteed to leave the onlooker in awe.

Chennai plays home to various museums and art galleries both privately and government owned. It exhibits age old artefacts and manuscripts dating back to time immemorial. It also plays home to various National parks and wildlife sanctuaries. These wildlife reserves and forest reserves are what sets Chennai apart from the other major cities in India for not being a concrete jungle through and through.

In a city with a harsh climate, roaring traffic and long beaches, the city of Chennai provides the experience unlike any of the top cities in India. Its rich south Indian culture seen in its way of life and cuisine will introduce you to a whole new world.

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