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Places You Must See Before You Die

Traveling anyways is a fun-filled experience for everyone. As a matter of fact, exploring distinct destinations is one of the main objectives for an enthusiastic traveler. Mother Nature as well as man (early men) has gifted some of the amazing places and monuments across the world. In this write-up, we have mentioned some of such places that you must visit before you die!

1- The Seychelles

Seychelles is a collection of hundred and fifty tiny islands located in the Indian Ocean. They are fairly an unexplored destination and represents great opportunities for you to explore the stunning islands in the same fashion as they were initially found around 250 years ago. On these picturesque islands, the guests can enjoy fishing, diving, sailing and above all relaxing on a beach vacation. However, this place receives a large number of holidaymakers.

2- The Azores

The Azores are beautiful Portuguese islands that are flocked by huge of tourists every year. Located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, these islands guarantee its guests wonderful sun, sand and spectacular mountain panorama. In addition to them, the volcanic island cluster also celebrates many carnivals as well as the real bullfighting. A visit to this place is must if you are an adventure lover with having a tint of adoring for the islands.

3- Mallorca

Spain has been known worldwide for being utter gorgeous locations, monuments and landscapes. Thus, it won’t be surprise to know that this island is pure eye candy for all kinds of travelers, from honeymooners to holidaymakers. Mallorca is a place in Spain that is represents to this country’s rich culture and heritage. The stunning isle has an antique train which visitors can take a ride. Moreover, the divers can get to see the dolphins and sea-lions under seawater.

4- The Pyramids of Giza

One of the most amazing man-made structures in the world, the Pyramids of Giza are located on the banks of the River Nile. The perfectly proportioned behemoths stand as an act of defiance. The Great Pyramid amongst all is the largest and oldest of the pyramids. It is mentioned as the last of the seven wonders of the ancient world that is still standing in a good state.

5- The Taj Mahal

One of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Taj Mahal is an architectural wonder located in India. This white marble monument receives over three million visitors from across the globe every year. It took a period of fifteen years to complete by a Mughal emperor Shah Jahan to as a memorial tomb for his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal. This massive architecture is situated on a three acre found on the Yamuna River in the north-Indian city of Agra.

6- Victoria Falls

The Victoria Falls are enormous waterfall that will surely keep you mesmerized. This waterfall is located in southern Africa on the Zambezi River at the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe. There are two national parks situated at the falls namely, Victoria Falls National Park and Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park. Thus, along with vistas of waterfalls, you can explore wildlife by going for a safari in the game parks or just leisurely bathe yourself in the surrounding plains.

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