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Plan a Trip to Singapore This Summer!

A small island in South East Asia, Singapore is a popular tourist destination amongst tourists across the world. Millions of tourists visit this small island every year. If you have not been to Singapore so far then it is the ideal time to visit the place with your family and friends. As we all know different tourist destinations have different tourist attractions which makes these places a must visit. So what defines Singapore? In my opinion we can club it as a destination that is high on culture, nature and adventure. All the three clubbed together defines Singapore.

An island that boasts of diverse religions and races of people as its inhabitants, one can find Indians, Chinese, and Arabs – all settle together in perfect harmony. Even though many assume Singapore to be a land of skyscrapers and towers, they will be surprised to discover that this place has preserved its cultural sites since the early settlers. Some of the popular cultural must visit places include the Little India, where the Indian community has settled, the Kampong Glam – the Arab trader’s hub and Chinatown where the early Chinese immigrants came and started settling. Once you visit all these different location you will get a distinct flavor that is so reflective of Singaporean culture and diversity.
As far as Nature is concerned let me tell you that in spite of the skyscrapers, Singapore still has its fair share of greenery. Often referred to as a garden city, Singapore’s biggest park is the East Coast Park which has a total length of about 15km. This is not enough. Check out the 150 year old Botanic Garden where you can check out diverse orchids and flower species.

Now that I have told you about the Culture and Natural beauty of the place you must be wondering what kind of adventure awaits you in Singapore. Well by adventure we don’t mean hiking or trekking what we are trying to highlight is the gastronomic adventure. A foodie’s delight, this place boasts of different cuisines that are reflective of its diverse culture. So besides Chinese, Indian food items you can also try out Turkish, Russian, and Italian cuisine to your heart’s content.
Now that you know what to look for in your trip to Singapore what are you waiting for? Go ahead and get your tickets booked. There are many travel agents who will not only book the tickets for you but will also make the hotel reservations, offer pick and drop facilities to the airport as well as provide you with a guided tour of the small island.
So go ahead and make your summer holiday plan. And don’t forget to carry your camera along with you. At the end of the day it is the happy memories that make us smile when we are down and out. With your children’s summer vacation round the corner plan, a perfect holiday for that once in a lifetime experience. And yes don’t forget to carry your glares and sun block cream along with you.
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