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Top 5 Ultimate Tourist Destinations in India

The fact that India has numerous tourist destinations makes it hard to choose the top five ultimate tourist destinations. Although it narrows down to personal preference, there are definitely certain locations in the country that are more popular than others. These places attract most of the international tourists, a factor that makes them the most visited locations in India. A visit to some of these tourist destinations will see one learn a lot about the rich history of the country and fascinating culture of the locals. In a similar fashion, it will be an opportunity to visit several attractive sites.

Most tourists have pointed out that India is one of the most diverse countries in the world. The country is home to a place that receives the highest rainfall as well as the driest place in the world. At the same time, one is bound to notice the different cultures, languages and dialects in the country.


There is a high likelihood that most first-time travelers will land in the capital city of India. While in Delhi, there are a number of top attractions that tourists can choose to visit. For instance, a visit to the spellbinding mosques, monuments and forts in old Delhi will be an exciting and memorable experience. Here, visitors will get to learn of the Mughal rulers who occupied the city at some point. On the other hand, New Delhi houses most of the embassies and government houses. However, visitors who do some research will be able to visit a number of areas of historical significance.


Amritsar is home to the Golden Temple, one of the most famous tourist attractions in India. The temple was founded in 1577 by Guru Ram Das. This guru is said to have been the fourth guru of Sikhs. For this reason, one can imagine the spiritual significance that this temple has to the Sikhs. It is also important to note that the temple attracts pilgrims and visitors from all over the world. At night, the illuminated gold dome of the temple makes the temple look spectacularly beautiful.


Varanasi is one of the top spiritual places in the country. When one visits the holy city, they will experience the various rituals that have been conducted over the years. For instance, visitors are likely to witness important events such as the bathing and burning of the bodies of the dead. Indeed, this is one of the long-standing traditional practices among the locals of this area


No talk of ultimate tourist destinations in India would end without the mention of Agra. Agra is home to the Taj Mahal, India’s most iconic monument. At the same time, some people have said that the Taj Mahal is the top historical attraction in the country. In short, the building is a true representation of the rich history of India.


Hampi is the last capital of Vijayanagar. Vijayanagar, on the other hand, is one of the greatest Hindu kingdoms in the history of the country. Today, visitors will be able to view the ruins that are spread all over the landscape. When talking about India as a travel destination, there is so much more that one can say.

However, tourists will only enjoy the beauty of this great country by planning a trip to India. In line with this, it is important to remember that one should prepare adequately for such a leisure trip. In this regard, obtaining an India visa will go a long way in ensuring that a traveler is not disappointed at the last minute.

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